Party Plan and Bylaws
AMENDED March 23, 2021
AMENDED June 28, 2022
AMENDED March 23, 2021
AMENDED June 28, 2022
The FCRC is a free association organized for the purpose of promoting the principles and achieving the objectives of the Republican Party, electing duly nominated or designated Republican candidates to public office, and performing official actions within Frederick County, Virginia, consistent with these purposes. The FCRC operates subject to the rules and definitions of a “Unit Committee,” “County Committee,” and “Official Committee” as described in the “Republican Party of Virginia Party Plan.”
The FCRC is a free association organized for the purpose of promoting the principles and achieving the objectives of the Republican Party, electing duly nominated or designated Republican candidates to public office, and performing official actions within Frederick County, Virginia, consistent with these purposes. The FCRC operates subject to the rules and definitions of a “Unit Committee,” “County Committee,” and “Official Committee” as described in the “Republican Party of Virginia Party Plan.”
Section A. Qualifications
- All legally qualified voters registered in Frederick County under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national origin or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, and who, if requested, express in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required, their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election, may participate in FCRC mass meetings, party canvasses, conventions, or primaries encompassing their respective election districts.
- A voter who, subsequent to making a statement of intent, publicly supports a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee shall not be qualified for participation in Frederick County Republican Committee actions as defined in Article I for a period of four (4) years.
- Paragraphs 4 and 5 shall cease having any effect at such time as the Election Laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall provide for party registration, at which time only those registered as Republicans may be deemed to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stipulated by the appropriate Frederick County Republican Committee.
- In addition to the foregoing, to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stipulated by the Frederick County Republican Committee a person otherwise qualified hereunder shall not have participated in Virginia in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party within the last five (5) years.
- A single exception to Paragraph 4 shall be approved for a voter that renounces affiliation with any other party in writing, and who expresses in writing that he/she is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and intends, at the time of the writing, to support the nominees of the Republican Party in the future. Any voter that utilizes the foregoing exception, and thereafter participates in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party, shall not have the benefit of the exception identified in this paragraph thereafter. Within 30 days of receipt, the Frederick County Republican Committee shall provide a copy of this signed renunciation statement to the Republican Party of Virginia, to be maintained for a period of five (5) years.
- In order to be eligible for election as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to any convention, an individual must be registered to vote no later than the prefiling deadline established by the Official Committee or, if prefiling is not a requirement, no later than the date of election as a Delegate. A person who has made application for registration and meets all other requirements of Section A, but whose name does not appear on the local registration books solely because of the books having been closed in connection with a local election, will nevertheless be deemed a legal and qualified voter.
There shall be a permanent committee known as the Frederick County Republican Committee (FCRC).
SECTION A. Membership
The membership of the FCRC shall consist of the following:
1. A Unit Chairman.
2. A Vice Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer
3. Precinct Members—The number being determined by the FCRC on the basis of Republican candidates votes in a recent past election or
elections, but not less than one (1) member from each precinct.
4. At-Large Members—Which shall not exceed 30% of the total membership of the FCRC; and
5. Associate Members—An Associate Member shall meet all of the requirements for Members of the FCRC except for attendance requirements of Article VII, Section D. Associate Members shall have all privileges of other Members except they shall not be entitled to a vote. Associate Members shall not count toward any limits on Precinct or At-Large Memberships nor shall they be counted when establishing a quorum.
SECTION B. Elections and Terms
1. The FCRC Chairman and other members of the FCRC shall be elected by the Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, or Primary called for the purpose of electing delegates to the Biennial District Convention for two (2) years or until successors are elected.
2. The FCRC Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected from within the already elected membership by such procedure as shall be determined by the FCRC. Terms shall run concurrent with the FCRC Chairman.
SECTION C. Vacancies
- A vacancy in the office of FCRC Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be filled by the FCRC for the remaining unexpired portion of the term.
- Any vacancies among other elected FCRC members of the Committee shall be filled by the FCRC.
- Vacancies shall be filled after notice of such intent has been included in the call of the meeting.
- Annual dues shall be established in an amount determined by the FCRC, payable each year by May 1st.
- All FCRC members current in their dues shall have full voting rights.
1. Frederick County Republican Committee (FCRC)
a. The FCRC shall determine whether candidates for local and constitutional public offices shall be nominated by Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, or Primary and whether the FCRC Chairman and FCRC Committee members shall be elected by Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, or Primary.
b. The FCRC shall call all regular and special Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, Conventions and make all arrangements therefor and, if a Convention, determine the basis of representation. The authority to make such arrangements (other than date, time, and whether there shall be, and the requirements for, any pre-filing) may, at the discretion of the FCRC, be delegated to the FCRC Chairman.
c. The FCRC shall cooperate with the State Central Committee, its District Committee, and Legislative District Committee within its boundaries in conducting all elections and fund-raising activities.
2. FCRC Chairman
a. The FCRC Chairman shall be the Chairman of the FCRC and the Executive Committee.
b. The FCRC Chairman shall issue calls for Unit Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, or Conventions and shall preside until a temporary organization is effected. In the case of a Mass Meeting for a Magisterial District, or other local Election District in which the FCRC Chairman is not a registered voter, the Chairman shall designate a representative, who is a registered voter in that Magisterial District, to preside until a temporary organization is effected.
c. The FCRC Chairman shall convene the Frederick County Republican Committee (FCRC) when required, but not less than monthly, except July and December, and shall preside at such meetings of the FCRC. The FCRC Chairman shall be responsible for sending written notice of the call for a FCRC meeting to all members of the FCRC, which shall include the agenda for the meeting.
d. The FCRC Chairman shall be responsible for providing a prescribed time and place, which shall be supervised by the FCRC Chairman, or a designated representative, for filing such declaration of candidacy and petitions as may be required by state law of any candidate in any primary election.
e. The FCRC Chairman shall be responsible for appointing all Subcommittee Chairmen.
3. Subcommittees
- Executive Subcommittee—Shall consist of the FCRC Chairman, FCRC Vice Chair, FCRC Secretary, FCRC Treasurer and other FCRC members appointed to serve as committee chairmen with the exception that Ad Hoc Subcommittee Chairmen shall not be members of the Executive Committee. This committee shall assist the FCRC Chairman in day-to-day operations of the FCRC and shall be the approving authority for FCRC Chairman actions.
- Finance Subcommittee—Shall consist of the FCRC Treasurer and such other members as the Treasurer may choose. This subcommittee is responsible for collecting, recording, reporting, and disbursing funds of the FCRC as directed by the FCRC Executive Subcommittee.
- MembershipSubcommittee—Shallconsistofachairmanandsuchother members as the Membership Subcommittee Chairman may choose. This subcommittee shall be responsible for maintaining membership rolls; and to support membership on the FCRC according to the qualifications explained in Article I of these Bylaws.
- Issues Subcommittee—Shall consist of a chairman and such other members as the Issues Subcommittee Chairman may choose. This subcommittee is responsible for maintaining a file of major issues of interest to assist the FCRC Executive Subcommittee, and candidates for public election to develop positions and platforms.
- Activities Subcommittee—Shall consist of a chairman and such other members as the Activities Subcommittee Chairman may choose. This subcommittee is responsible for developing, recommending, and effecting fundraising and social activities for the FCRC
- Bylaws Subcommittee—Shall be the FCRC Parliamentarian and such other members as the Bylaws Subcommittee Chairman may choose. This subcommittee is responsible for the maintenance of the FCRC Bylaws.
- Candidate Search Subcommittee—Shall consist of a chairman and such other members as the Candidate Search Subcommittee Chairman may choose, responsible for recruiting candidates for public office and to fill vacancies in the FCRC. This committee shall screen all candidates and recommend action to FCRC Executive Subcommittee.
- Precinct Operations Subcommittee—Shall consist of a Chairman and such other members as the Precinct Operations Subcommittee Chairman may choose. This committee shall encourage and support the organization of Precinct Captains and District Chairman and shall ensure that these volunteers are fully equipped to lead grass roots political endeavors.
- i. Outreach
Young Republicans, High Schools, Colleges, Home Schoolers
2. engage and coordinate with outside groups, clubs, and organizations in promoting Republican values and issues
3. foster and maintain relationships with diverse minority and ethnic communities to promote Republican stewardship of equality and
inclusiveness for all citizens
4. gather contact information from organizations/groups/events and provide said information to the Data subcommittee
for incorporation into FCRC database
- Election Integrity
2, Support and recommend legislativeaction relative to election integrity
3. Work closely with Election Board members
4. Take actionon issues that compromise and/or prevent free and fair election activity
5. Make unit chair aware of election issues/problems and consult with RPV General Counsel as needed
6. Recruit, educate, organize, and support election process volunteers including Poll Watchers and Poll Workers
7. Provide additional education to Officers of Election and CAP Officers of Election (Central Absentee Precinct) as needed
8. Offer training to FCRC members to encourage participation in election process activities.
- Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s) —TheFCRC Chairman and FCRC Executive Subcommittee may appoint special Ad Hoc Subcommittees as needed. Ad Hoc Subcommittee Chairmen will not be members of the Executive Committee.
1. Frederick County Republican Committee (FCRC) meetings shall be held monthly, except July and December, at a time and place determined by the FCRC Chairman or FCRC Executive Subcommittee.
2. FCRC meetings shall be in a building appropriate for public use and shall be open to the public.
3. Consumption of alcohol and tobacco products shall not be permitted at FCRC meetings.
A member of the FCRC may be represented in a meeting by a proxy, subject to the following conditions:
- No individual may cast more than one vote at any FCRC meeting.
- The proxy holder must be a member of the Republican Party from the same District as the absent member.
- All proxies shall be in writing and shall be signed by the maker of the proxy and shall be substantially in the following form:
OF (AREA REPRESENTED), do hereby constitute and appoint (NAME OF PROXY) my true and lawful attorney, to vote as my proxy (with full power of substitution) at a meeting of the Frederick
County Republican Unit Committee on this ____ day of (MONTH), (YEAR), or any adjourned meeting thereof and for me in my name, place, and stead to vote upon any question that properly may come before such meeting, with all the power I should possess if personally present, hereby revoking all previous proxies.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this __ day of ______, ______.
Witness: ________________________________
- Meetings of the FCRC shall be held upon written notice, of not less than one (1) week on the call of the FCRC Chairman, a majority vote of the FCRC Executive Committee, or on the call of one-third of the voting members, which call shall include the agenda for the meeting. Electronic Mail shall be deemed written notice for the purposes of this subsection. However, the FCRC must provide an alternative form of delivery for any member who does not have regular access to electronic mail.
- Thirty per cent (30%) of FCRC members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business.
- Meetings called for the purpose of (1) determining the method of nomination and associated details for a Republican candidate for a Special Election where there is less than (30) days available in which to nominate a candidate or (2) filling vacancies with Article IX, shall require at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice, either written or verbal.
The FCRC Chairman may be removed from office by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of the FCRC, after being furnished with notice such removal will be sought, with the charges in writing, signed by not less than one-third (1/3) of the FCRC Members; and allowing him thirty (30) days within which to appear and defend himself.
A member of the FCRC is held to a higher standard of support for nominees of the Republican Party than an individual who merely participates in a mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary. Therefore, a member of the FCRC is deemed to have resigned his FCRC position if he (a) makes a reportable contribution to and/or (b) knowingly allows his name to be publicly used by and/or (c) makes a written or other public statement supporting the election of a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee in a Virginia General or Special Election and/or (d) becomes an officer of any other political party. A majority of the elected officers of the FCRC are charged with recognizing when this provision is in effect. Such member may be re-instated by a majority vote of the other members of the FCRC.
For the purposes of this section, “allows” shall mean a member has either (i) affirmatively given permission for his name to be publicly used, or (ii) refused to publicly disavow the use of his name upon receiving notification by the FCRC Chairman that it is being used.
A member of the FCRC automatically loses his FCRC position if he is absent three (3) consecutive meetings without representation by a person holding a proxy or is excused by the committee, as per Roberts Rules of Order Chapter 32
Whenever an Election District fails to nominate a candidate or candidates for public office, in the absence of an instruction to the contrary by the Convention or Mass Meeting, the FCRC is authorized to nominate such candidate or candidates by two- thirds (2/3) vote of those present in a FCRC meeting after notice of such intent has been included in the call of the meeting, and the nominations shall have the same force and effect as if the person or persons were nominated by a Mass Meeting, Party Canvas, Convention or Primary.
Whenever candidates, electors, delegates or alternates have been duly elected by a Mass Meeting, Party Canvas, Convention, or Primary and a vacancy occurs, the FCRC is authorized to fill such vacancy in formal meeting by a majority vote after due notice of such intent has been included in the call of the meeting. Such a meeting shall require at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice, either written or verbal.
All FCRC meetings shall, to the extent applicable, be governed by and conducted in accordance with, giving precedence as listed to, the following: The State Party Plan; the FCRC By-Laws; and otherwise in accordance with the then current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order."
The FCRC shall not endorse, nor contribute to from its funds, any candidate, who is running for a Republican nomination for public office unless that candidate is unopposed for that nomination. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the FCRC from endorsing a candidate running for public office where there will be no Republican nominee, or to prevent an FCRC member or FCRC officer, as an individual, from endorsing a candidate in a contested nomination.
- Voting members of the FCRC shall exercise their best efforts to conduct the business of the Republican Party in good faith, with reasonable care, skill, and diligence. They shall hold as confidential all Party information, documents, and communications clearly designated as confidential or for limited dissemination or use by adopted policy of the FCRC. They shall refrain from participating in unethical activity, diminishing the dignity and credibility of the Party.
- Recognizing that not all possible conflicts represent an actual conflict of interest, voting members of the FCRC shall voluntarily disclose, in writing, any known potential or actual conflicts of interest to all members of the FCRC in a timely manner after becoming aware of such conduct.
1. These Bylaws may be amended at a Frederick County Republican Committee (FCRC) Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, Primary or Frederick County Republican Committee (FCRC) Meeting, by three fourths (3/4) roll call vote, of its members present, but not less than twenty (20) of the total members, after notice
of such intent and general text of such amendment has been included in the call of the meeting.
2. These Bylaws and any amendments shall become effective upon their adoption.
Amended March 28, 2006
Amended February 10, 2009
Amended January 24, 2017
Amended March 23, 2021
Amended June 28, 2022